Back in the "olden days" when taking baths and using deodorant was not always the norm, people had to do something to disguise the odors from themselves and others. One way was to make pomanders. Their sweet, citrus and spice scent usually did the trick and was easy enough for anyone to do! They were natural deodorizers and could be set on a table or if small enough, worn around the neck as a pendant. Today, we use them as a lovely centerpiece for our homes around holiday time. Here in Richmond Virginia, we like them due to the Colonial Williamsburg influence.They add to your interior design in an unusual way.
As you can see from the picture, they are usually oranges or lemons but crabapples and clementines have been used also. Get a skewer and pierce the skin with holes in a custom design or just overall lines. Fill the holes with whole cloves. Get decorative and tie twine or ribbons around the fruit and enjoy. A mix of cinnamon and other spices can be added to the fruit to preserve it for longer use. The fruit must sit in this mix for 5 weeks in the dark wrapped in tissue.
Also, try using 3 fruits and spell out the word "joy"-very unique.
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